Hip Hop Holiday hosted by Ferrari Simmons of Streetz 94.5

Free Food - Prizes - Dancers - Live Music

You must be a part of this holiday event that everyone is talking about!

Artist perform two-three songs (10 min max) and get placement on the mixtape. Streetz 94.5 will also be listening in. There will be DJ's, Blog Writers, Record Labels, Managers and more present so bring your A game. You must have a large social media following and bring AT LEAST 10 people with you to the event. Please send 2-3 songs, your social media handles, website address and a video of you performing to tenthousandhoursforyou@gmail.com. There is a $50 charge to participate to cover advertising the event so it will be big. Together, we can do more.

Thu, 12/21/2017 - 9:30pm
Sutra Lounge
1136 Crescent Ave NE
30309 Atlanta , GA