Saturday, August 16, Makin' It Magazine hosts its next #MUSIC101 Workshop lead by Kelby Cannick, Publisher of Makin' It Magazine. This two hour workshop will focus on building an online buzz. Class size is limited to 12 students.
Saturday, August 23, 2014
From 11:00AM to 1:00PM
- Your Online Strategy
- What are your goals
- Who are you trying to reach
- Evaluating your current web presence
- Your Website
- Do I really need one?
- How much should I spend on a website?
- How do I generate traffic
- Social Media
- Soundcloud
- Youtube
- Google+
- Email Blasts
- Are they really getting opened?
- How to use them effectively
- Which companies we recommend
- Developing your own list
- Advertising
- Banner Ads
- Facebook Ads
- Twitter Ads
- Blogs
- How do I get featured on blogs
- Which blogs should I be reaching out to
- PLUS....
- Paying for Followers/Views/Plays.
- Getting on Livemixtapes & Worldstar
- Online Radio
- Are you Googlable?
Watch Video to hear feedback from attendees from past Music101 Workshops...
NOTE: This is an exclusive workshop held at a private location in Atlanta. This is not a web-seminar and will not be recorded or published online. Must be in attendance to participate.
Registration Deadline is Saturday, August 16 at 10:00AM (Based on Availability. Max 12 Seats Available)
- General Registration only $50 or $25 for ALL MakinItMag.com Members.
- Limit of 12 Seats Available. (First come, First Served!)
Sat, 08/23/2014 - 11:00am
Private Location
, GA
See map: Google Maps