Return of the Goofi Juice

Yoshi Crew Ent & Tech N Chill Presents
Return of the Goofi Juice
Jedi vs Sith Who Will Be The Victors?
A multi Art Community where you can be Free to let your True self Free. Set in a Galaxy Far Far away
Prepare yourself for a Night of Music, Dancing, Cosplay and other Vibes threw out the night.
Goofi Juice Will be Provided Free+ threw the night just Tip The Bartender
+(Free For Vip Guest... Cash Bar 2 The Rest)
So Drop down The Rabbit Hole into a New World!
Who doesn’t love Drinks, Music, Video Games, Cosplay and Great Vibes? This is an experince like you have never seen Before.

Celebrating the Birthdays of
Bantana @_Bantana
n Y0$#! (Yoshi) The cay in the Hat @kingyoshiman

Vip Tickets will also recive 2 free tacos provided by @Gneissvibe

Never experienced a “Goofi” party? Well, it’s time

Sponsored by .

Gvibe Tacos - @Gneissvibe


GOOFI JUICE www, @yoshicrew on Ig

Toxic Mushroom Clothing - @toxicmushroomyc

For more information about
Sponsorship, Vending or Performance info
Please contact Yoshi Via email at
or dm @kingyoshiman on Instagram

Sat, 10/07/2023 - 10:00pm
Cosplay Loft
1326 white st
30310 atlanta , GA