"The Ultimate Experience" Writers Lock-In 2023

A message from the team:

Thank you for showing interest in attending "The Ultimate Experience" Writers Lock-In hosted by 7N1 Music & Production happening March 31st - April 2nd 2023 in Cincinnati, OH! This time, we're connecting our handpicked participants for a weekend of songwriting, studio recording, LIVE performances, music industry education, and networking! But wait!..... There's more!

We will be, too, in the pre-production and filming stage of our FIRST 7N1 production entitled "T.U.E. Cincinnati," which is a Reality Docuseries centered around everyone's determination, hard work, and success- a true platform for those to SHINE(Build upon, Flourish)! That’s right! You (the artist) and your guest will have a chance to appear in our upcoming production, which will be shopped to networks like Netflix and Amazon.
To move forward in the registration process for attending "The Ultimate Experience" (Spring 2023), we'd need to receive an EPK from each artist/songwriter/producer/beat maker via the "Artist Registration" button located at the bottom of this page. This button will take you to a form that will look something like this:

Stage Name
Links to Relevant Works
Head shot/Bio/BMIorASCAP proof

Once we receive this aforementioned requested materials, a member of our support team will contact you via phone to set up a virtual meeting as a part of the second phase of consideration, which is where we will discuss all details regarding the weekend’s itinerary as a group. Also, the conglomeration of pre-solidify packages pertaining to the attendance of "T.U.E." will be discussed. Doing so promotes the proper planning and execution of ALL those involved. Having said that….. SPACES ARE LIMITED TO HELP FACILITATE A SUCCESSFUL/MEANINGFUL/MONUMENTAL EXPERIENCE!

Here at 7N1, we pride ourselves on artist development and we can ONLY achieve this by working alongside driven and talented individuals….. such as yourself!

Looking forward to working with you! Register NOW at www.7n1llc.com

7N1 Music & Production, LLC
(336) 462-8802

Fri, 03/31/2023 - 3:00pm
The Radisson Hotel Cincinnati Riverfront, BlackLite Production Studios, and RadioArtifact 45202 Cincinnati , OH