The PSM is The #1 Branding Producer's Platform. You come to our event make great connections and get your name known to the music industry and fans.
Featuring Hannibal vs JJ Skillz
Register Here http://goo.gl/BEVCjQ
Tickets to Spectate http://goo.gl/BEVCjQ
Producers you can Battle or Showcase your music for a Basic Registration $10
You can Battle or Showcase by joining the Beat Club.
PSM Beat Club provide the following things this month:
PSM Slot in the PSM Beat Battle (with a free Rechallenge Card) and Slot in the PSM Beat Suite
You now can do BOTH or Choose either or (We suggest that you do both) So it's compete in the Beat Battle that month and or just play beats during the Beat Suite (8 Minutes).
You also get a free rechallenge card which means if you lose in any round you can rechallenge the winner for FREE (1x only).
PSM Beat Club Social Mixer at Major Recording Studio
Once a month before the PSM Event we meet at Major Studio to play beats, discuss opportunities, drink and network with invited music industry guest. This is a private session only open to PSM Beat Club members.
PSM Beat Club Hit List
We provided members with a list of production opportunities only from situations in which we have close relationships. This way we can ensure the validity of the opportunity, closely monitor the progress and give timely updates.
PSM Tastemakers E Blast
Once a month we send an email blast out to our list of DJs, Music Executives, Promoters, Managers etc with music from our PSM Beat Club Members
PSM Beat Club Mix and Master
1st time members get a free mix critique from Grammy Award Winning Engineer Jeremiah Adkins. Members are also eligible to get 25% off of his $150 mixing special (So you pay only $100).
PSM Beat Club Legal
Discounts on Beat Lease Contracts and Songwriter Agreements (Plus More) drawn up by PSM Attorney. You can also get a discounted legal consultation from the lawyer for situation specific to you.