Mobudda Brings Back Wavy WaveGang Music Wit Wave Runnerz Records | Makin' It Magazine

Mobudda Brings Back Wavy WaveGang Music Wit Wave Runnerz Records

Mobudda Brings Back Wavy WaveGang Music Wit Wave Runnerz Records

Connecticut’s own female rapper Mobudda aka Monesha Jones has teamed up with The Beat Plug and EscobarFilms to bring us a spectacular video that delivers art in a good taste of her EP Aphrodite Returns. MoBudda’s smooth flow goes perfectly with the melody of the beat her advantage with perfectly landing verses that gives a detailed description of the image she is painting in her lines. The Beat Plug’s incredible sense of creation with EscobarFilms dope visual. Together they bring back those Wavy Tunes. Wavy