Submit Your Music Video for a FREE Feature On!

Deadline has Passed


We're looking for a DOPE music video to sponsor a FREE placement on WorldStarHipHop ($1,100 Value). If you're an independent artist with a music video that needs to be seen by a bigger audience, submit NOW for consideration.

The top 10 submissions will be selected by our review team and featured on a promoted playist where Mimbers can vote for the video they want to see featured on WorldStar. The top selection will receive:

  • Email Blast to over 50,000 Industry Contacts
  • Social Media Promo to 100,000+ Followers
  • Promotional videos for IG Feed & Story
  • Sponsored video post on

Here are a few videos previously selected for placements:



Submissions must be received by 11:59PM EST on Sunday, March 6, 2022


Music Video must be posted on Youtube.

Submission Fee is only $20 // 50% off for Subscribers // Mimbers Submit for FREE