My Afton & Highly Dedicated LLC presents...
Curtwood J, the most electrifying indie entertainer in the city! Live on stage for his first appearance at The Royal Peacock. This is the 2nd concert in Curtwood's series of shows called "Summer Madness." First it was center stage, now this! Come out and be captivated by his lyricism, smooth dance moves, and positive message as he performs hits from the debut album "H.B.C.U." and a sneak peek at some music from the upcoming album "H.B.C.U. 2" Featuring other amazing underground artists, doors open at 5pm. Tickets are only $12 available at www.aftonshows.com/curtwood or by contacting any memeber of Highly Dedicated by phone or email (hdmuzikgroupbooking@gmail.com)
Sat, 07/29/2017 - 5:00pm
The Royal Peacock
186 Auburn Ave NE
, GA
See map: Google Maps