YNS Blow Money @1Dukekellz & @$lime Po will be performing @Makin’ It Magazine Media Matters SXSW on 18th of March & also be performing @ The B$F Takeover on the same date as well. We will be looking forward to networking with everyone, putting on for the culture, SXSW, this plattform, and last @Str8Dropswag RwG 🤟🏾🎱💦 Check out the latest video “Like Dat “link down low
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Please follow me @Luvdagod
Please follow me @Luvdagod @YNS Blow Money “@$lime Po @1DukeKellz @jusfloe “
New video alert @Slime Po Got
New video alert @Slime Po Got it together click link: